Monday, February 14, 2011

Speak Up!

Reading through the article “Speak Up” introduced me to many new ideas when looking at technology and its use in the classroom. I was overcome by the importance technology has for many of the students and the impact that they see it having on their education. Throughout my K-12 experience I never thought about integrating what I was learning in the classroom into the limited way that I used technology at home. It is mind boggling to read through these surveys and consider the impact and potential that technology could have on education.  There is no denying that separation of education and technology is not even an option anymore for the computer savvy, technologically advanced 21st generation.  The article states, “Using technology as part of learning is an essential business practice for today’s students, not just an add-on for skill development or motivation” (p. 24).This idea of being an add-on or used for motivation is how I would correlate the use of technology to my own education. However, I don’t think that this is the case anymore. Initially as I read through this article I found it difficult not to fall into viewing technology as a add-on or a motivator, but as I continued to read through and compare the data and research it is evident that the education I received was much more limited in its relation to technology. For the current generation it is nearly impossible for them to view their education in these same terms because they see education as such an integral part of their lives.
I think one of the positive influences technology has on the modern day student is the student thinks of education differently. As it states in the article, “They understand that learning is a 24/7 enterprise and need learning tools and processes that are not tethered to time, place and geographic boundaries. And they recognize from their own experiences growing up immersed in digital media that the best way to drive educational productivity is through the effective use of rich and relevant digital tools, content and resources” (p.25). I think this is important to differentiate that learning can and should be taking place 24/7. Instead I think that students often relate learning to the classroom and during specific times. With the use of technology these notions can be eliminated and students can be enabled, empowered, and free to engage as a student in ways that traditional learning has not allowed (p.25).
As a future educator this article gave me a lot to think about. It inspired me to want to create a classroom that would encourage students to reach their educational goals by providing them with the technological resources to do so. After reading this article I am convinced that in order to be an effective educator I need to construct my teaching pedagogy to reflect what the students are requesting. I think it is important to remember like the article states, “that the future of our nation is in the hands of today’s students. Students: We are listening for your ideas. Go ahead and speak up!(p.26)”.
(2010) Speak Up 2009 National Findings. Creating our Future: Students Speak Up About Their Vision 21st Century Learning. Retrieved from

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