One of the issues addressed in the article was that teachers saw this project as a burden and something they did not have time for. The article states, "This feedback demonstrated to me that the initial message and purpose of the project translated quite differently when it fi ltered down to this teacher’s level. Unfortunately, this teacher considered it another burden and expectation. It was clear that we needed to demonstrate how Web pages could fi t in to existing programs and be relevant to teachers." I think it is important to remember that we as educators need to see technology as relevant and work it into the existing programs. I agree with the article that unless we are able to do this technology will be seen as a burden and something that we don't have time to use in our classrooms.
The end of the article summarizes their goals for the district in the coming year. It states, "This year, the district started the next phase of the technology professional development program, using technology to enhance existing curriculum. Teachers are receptive to and comfortable with these concepts, because most of them now have the requisite skills and insight to work in this medium with their students. The instructional benefits cannot be understated. The Websites have become a springboard for many technology activities, containing rich collections of lessons, links,and other materials that will enhance instruction in Brewster for many years to come." In this section two things stood out to me. First, that teachers were receptive and comfortable with taking technology to the next level. This was a direct result of the training and guidance they received in setting up their website. The second thing is that the website has become the spring board for enhancing students educational experience.
I believe that this article touches on all the NETS standards. However, one in particular stands out to me. The is standard 5 which states, " Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership- Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources." I think that by learning how to create a website for your classroom you as a teacher are improving your students quality of education as well as participating in lifelong learning. Many of the teachers from Brewster where able to take their websites and demonstrate how they could effectivly use those resources to their students, and parents advantage.
I think once I get comfortable with the technology I will use "Template Based Teacher Web Pages" because I can see the how useful students will react to them. Some students need more than the lecture or reading. These students need to get a hands on approach to learning. If the students are actively participating in the lesson or in the class because of the TBTWP the we must incorporate them into our classrooms. We as educators need to bring in as many different forms of instruction to the students in order to facilitate all the students learning abilities.
ReplyDeleteNot only is technology great for the teacher/student relationship, but it help parents get involved in their students education as well. When parents know what is going on in their students lives then they can help and encourage them. I know that what I have learned in 422 has made me realized that I have so much more to learn but technology isnt as scary as I thought it was. Just step by step learnng has made me comfortable just like the teachers in the article who thought it was a waste of time until they actually figured out what they were doing and how much positive influence it had on their school.